Security Bollards

Welcome to NZ Gates, your one-stop shop for all your traffic safety bollard needs. We offer an extensive range of top-quality bollards designed to protect your building and equipment from damage caused by moving vehicles and machinery.

Our safety traffic bollards come in a variety of finishes, including interior and exterior options, making them the perfect choice for any application. Whether you need hoop bollards for doorways or bolt-down or cast-in options, we have the perfect solution for you. At NZ Gates, we understand that each customer’s needs are unique and that’s why we provide a personalized consultation service. Our team of experts will advise you on the best bollard options for your new build or retrofitting an existing facility.

We believe that safety is paramount, and that’s why we use only the highest-quality materials in the construction of our bollards. Our safety traffic bollards are built to withstand even the toughest conditions and provide a long-lasting solution to your safety needs. In addition to protecting your building and equipment, our safety traffic bollards also provide a clear indication of the areas where vehicles and machinery should not be allowed. This can help to prevent accidents and improve safety on your site.

At NZ Gates, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. We pride ourselves on our fast turnaround times, competitive pricing, and excellent customer support. Contact us today to learn more about how our traffic safety bollards can help protect your property and improve safety on your site.

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